Frontier Wind Project
Duke Energy - Kay County, Oklahoma
Key Features
Development of a 200 MW wind energy project
Interfacing with federal, state, and local agencies
Due diligence analysis, permitting and regulatory analysis, wildlife studies, wetland delineation, cultural resources review, construction management and environmental oversight

From inception to operation, ERP served in a pivotal role ensuring the success of the Frontier Windpower Project. Early in project development, ERP conducted a detailed constrints analysis of the project site and developed a regulatory compliance and project development plan. ERP’s experienced biologists and scientists conceptualized and executed avian, eagle, and bat surveys, delineated regulated waters, performed habitat assessments, and diligently interfaced with federal, state, and local regulators to ensure a streamlined construction timetable.
With an ability to anticipate future constraints, ERP brought a forward-thinking mindset into project engineering, supplying detailed knowledge of the project location and regulatory framework to carefully site project infrastructure.
During construction, ERP’s skillful construction management team provided an irreplaceable service, overseeing construction contractors, managing the construction timeline, performing environmental oversight, and fostering safety, efficiency, and responsibility among construction crews.
Commercial operation date at the site was achieved 12 days ahead of schedule, even while enduring 55 weather days. Nearly 420,000 man hours were recorded on this project.